Within each of us is a place where, regardless of the chaos around us, we can find serenity and gratitude. In this life, our minds often take us on journeys far from this true place of belonging. Lured by promises of excitement and pleasure, driven by fears, our minds too often create pathways that we hope will lead to happiness, success in some way or another, or to safety. When we wander too far from our home ground we can become lost in the chaos of this over-stimulating world. Among the many consequence of this are feelings of emptiness and wanting.

If we are not careful to pause, reflect, and find our way home, we may fall prey to generating further plans and strategies for filling the void. Like a person lost in the woods, however, scrambling in this direction and that, we only become more profoundly lost and empty. Yet no matter how lost we become, we are as little as a mindful breath away from beginning our journey home, from accessing our deepest knowing and wisdom, our only source of authentic well-being.

This guided meditation will help you create an internal resource that to help you find your way home

Heeding the Call Home is part of the guided meditaiton series, Meditations for Deep Living.

This guided meditation is available for free listening on the Insight Timer App, and on SoundCloud.